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2004.9—2008.7    北京大学哲学系外国哲学专业, 哲学博士

2001.9—2004.7    吉林大学哲学系外国哲学专业哲学硕士

1997.9—2001.7    吉林大学哲学系, 哲学学



20153月—20222西安电子科技大学哲学系, 副教授






1. 部分论文

2022, Review of Maidens'name is monster”, Prometeica,Especial,118-120.


2021, “Should We Develop Empathy for Social Robots”, in Sex Robots: Social Impact and the Future of Human Relations, ed. by Ruiping FanMark Cherry, Dordrecht: Springer.


2020,《呼吸机分配的伦理难题》,《中国社会科学报》, 2020428日。


2019《老龄化背景下的代际公平问题——从儒家伦理的视角看,《现代哲学》, 2019年第4期: 98-105并被 Contemporary Social Sciences 2020年第2期)转载。  

2019,“The Gift of Life and Family Authority: A Family-based Consent Approach to Organ Donation and Procurement in China”The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy vol. 44 issue 5: 554–572

2019“Review of Family and Filial Reverence: a Cross-Cultural Perspective” Dao: the Journal of Comparative Philosophy20196月,No.2



2018,《身体的位置——海德格尔空间思想演进的存在论解析》,《世界哲学》,2018年第6 109-117。并被《人大复印资料(外国哲学)》(2019年第6期)转载。




2017,《生命伦理学的身体与精神:儒家伦理进路为什么重要——一种方法论上的考量》,载《建构中国生命伦理学:新的探索》, 范瑞平、张颖主编,中国人民出版社。



2015,《孝何以是一种德性?在德性伦理学的视域下重审亲亲之爱》,《文史哲》 2015年第4期(总第349期)。 并被《当代儒学》(2016年第9辑转载)。

2015, “Family and Autonomy: Towards Shared Medical Decision in Light of Confucianism”, in Family-Oriented Informed Consent: East Asian & American Perspectives, ed. by Ruiping Fan, Dordrecht: Springer.

2014, “The Common Good and Filial Piety: A Confucian Perspective”, in The Common Good: Chinese and American Perspectives, ed. by David Solomon, Dordrecht: Springer.

2012, “Individuals are Inadequate: Recognizing the Family-Centeredness of Chinese Bioethics and Chinese Health System”, The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy , vol. 37, Issue 6


2. 译著

罗思文:《反对个人主义》,王珏王晨光 西北大学出版社2021


3. 奖项

2015-2017, 西安电子科技大学华山学者菁英计划

2009,  博士论文海德格尔前期哲学中的身体问题获熊伟青年学术奖一等奖

4. 受邀报告


2021在上海交通大学人文学院主办的“LINE 2021”国际会议上作英文特邀报告“Should We Develop Empathy for Social robots?”第十五届构建中国生命伦理学研讨会社交机器人:中国伦理学的当代探索会议作特邀报告,我们应该与社交机器人共情吗?


2017,  “Care for the elderly and generational Equity in Aging China: Why Family Matters?,宣读于老年问题工作坊,香港中文大学,生命伦理学中心,香港,20174月。

2016,  “Whose Decision? Which Rationality? And Why family?

A Confucian Family-based Approach to Deceased Organ Donation ”, 宣读于器官移植的家庭同意工作坊,第一次会议,美国圣爱德华大学,奥斯汀,德克萨斯州,美国,201611月。

5. 科研项目:



2016,《孝道的伦理含义及其在老年人照护中的角色研究》, 陕西省社科界重大理论与现实问题研究项目已结项


2013,《海德格尔哲学中的身体问题及其思想效应——探寻现象的深度》(项目编号:13YJC720036),教育部人文社会科学研究青年基 金,8万,已结项。





① 本科生课程:《伦理学》、《科技伦理》、《现代西方哲学》、《现象学导论

② 研究生课程:《伦理学专题研究》、《哲学理论前沿问题研究》、《现象学专题研究


Basic Information

Name: Wang Jue

Gender: Female

Title: Professor

Instruction Status: Doctoral SupervisorMaster’s Supervisor

E-mail: wangjue0339@126.com

Address: Department of Philosophy, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Xi 'an Jiaotong University, No. 28 Xianning West Road, Beilin District, Xi 'an city, Shaanxi Province

Zip Code: 710049

Education Background

2004-2008: Department of Philosophy, Peking University, China

2001-2004: Department of Philosophy, Jilin University, China

1997-2001: Department of Philosophy, Jilin University, China

2008: Doctor of Philosophy, Title of the Dissertation: “The Problem of Body in Heidegger’s Early Thought”

2004: Master of Philosophy, Title of the Dissertation: “Heidegger’s Kant book and the Problem of Finitude”

2001: Bachelor of Philosophy, Title of the Dissertation: “Method and Way: A Comparative Study of Hegel and Heidegger”

Academic and Professional Experiences

March, 2022-present:Professor, Department of Philosophy, Xi’an Jiaotong University,China

2015-February, 2022: Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Xidian University, China

2012-2013: Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Center for Philosophy of Religion, University of Notre Dame, USA

2008-2015: Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Huazhong University of Technology, China

Honors and Awards

2019: National Social Science Research Grant: “Ethical Challenges and Governance of AI Medicine”

2014: National Social Science Research Grant: “The Ethical Foundation of China’s Elderly Care System”  

2013: Humanities and Social Sciences Research Grant, the Ministry of Education of China: “The Problem of Body in Heidegger’s Philosophy”

2012: Award for Visiting Scholarship, “Value and Virtues” Project by the Society of Christian Philosophers and Calvin College

Publications (Select)

Articles and Book Chapters:

2021, A Confucian Reflection on Transhumanism: How to Regulate Our Posthuman Future, International Journal of Chinese & Comparative Philosophy of Medicine,ⅩⅨ:2.

2021, “Should We Develop Empathy for Social Robots”, in Sex Robots: Social Impact and the Future of Human Relations, ed. by Ruiping FanMark Cherry, Dordrecht: Springer.

2020: “The Issue of Intergenerational Equity in the Context of Population Aging: From the Perspective of Confucian Ethics”, Journal of Contemporary Social Sciences, No. 2.

2020: “Confucian Culture of Harmony and Its Role in Combating the Coronavirus Pandemic”, International Journal of Chinese & Comparative Philosophy of Medicine, XⅧ:2.

2020: “Rationing by Age in the Allocation of Ventilators: The Moral Dimensions”, in The Coronavirus Pandemic: Constructing Chinese Bioethics, eds. by Ruiping Fan, Zhang Ying, City University of Hong Kong Press.

2020: “An Introduction to the Phenomenological Interpretation of Dao”coauthored with Li Jun, Zhejiang Academic Journal, No.6.

2019: “Abortion and Chinese Traditional View of Body”, Contemporary Confucianism, No.1.

2019: “The Gift of Life and Family Authority: A Family-based Consent Approach to Organ Donation and Procurement in China”, The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, No.5.

2019: “Review of Family and Filial Reverence: a Cross-Cultural Perspective”, Dao: the Journal of Comparative Philosophy, No.2.

2018: “The Family in the Cultural War and Same-sex Marriage”, International Journal of Chinese & Comparative Philosophy of Medicine, XVI:2.

2018: “The Place of the Body – An Existential Reading of Heidegger's Theory of Space”, Journal of World Philosophy, No.6.

2018: “The Time Image of the Technology Era – Heidegger on Boredom”, Journal of Modern Philosophy, No.4.

2018: “Heidegger on Body, Disease and Medicine”, China's phenomenology and philosophical review, No.22.

2018: “On the Limit of Modern Medicine by Heidegger and Gadamer -- From Hermeneutics to Phenomenology of the Body”, Chinese Hermeneutics, No. 16.

2017: "Family, Cultural War and Bioethics Policy - Review of Mark J. Cherry's Sex, Family and Cultural War”, Journal of Chinese medical ethics, No.4.

2016: “The Issue of Generational Equity in Western Society”, Chinese Social Sciences Weekly, No. 890.

2015: “Why is filial piety a virtue?-- Reexamining Filial Love from the Perspective of Virtue Ethics” , Journal of Chinese Humanities, No.4.

2015: “The Common Good and Filial Piety: A Confucian Perspective”, in The Common Good:  Chinese and American Perspectives (Philosophical Studies in Contemporary Culture Series), ed. by David Solomon, Dordrecht: Springer.

2014: “Family and Autonomy: Towards Shared Medical Decision in Light of Confucianism”, in Family-Oriented Informed Consent: East Asian & American Perspectives, ed. by Fan Ruiping, Dordrecht: Springer.

2012: “Individuals are Inadequate: Recognizing the Family-Centeredness of Chinese Bioethics and Chinese Health System”coauthored with Li Jun, The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, vol. 37, Issue 6.

2007: “On the Dimension of Body in Confucianism”, Origin of Dao, Vol. 14.

2004: “Chinese Philosophy and the Problem of Metaphysics”, Journal of Jilin Normal University, Vol.32, No.1.

2000: “On the Destruction of Subject in Heidegger’s Philosophy”, Changbai Journal, No.3.  

Presentations (Select)

“Family Matters: Ageing China and the Issue of Generational Equity”, International Workshop on Aging: Intergenerational Justice and Elderly Care, Faculty of Arts, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, ChinaApril 2017.

“Whose Decision? Which Rationality? And Why Family? A Confucian Family-Based Approach to Deceased Organ Donation in China”, Family-Based Consent for Organ Transplantation: A Study Group, Department of Philosophy, St. Edward’s University, Austin, Texas, USA, November 2016.

“The Common Good and Filial Piety: A Confucian Perspective”, International Conference on Common Good, the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture, University of Notre Dame, March 2011.

“Body and the Problem of Alterity in Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology”, the 1st Beseto Conference of Philosophy, College of Humanities, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, February 2007.

“The Aporia of Abortion and Chinese Traditional View of Body”, “Construction of Contemporary Chinese Bioethics” Colloquium, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, ChinaJanuary 2007.

Professional/Community Service

Member of the Editorial Board, International Journal of Chinese and Comparative Philosophy of Medicine, New York: Global Scholarly Publications, USA.

Member of International Cooperation and Exchange Group, Medical Ethics Branch Committee of Chinese Medical Association.




Introduction to Phenomenology

Frontier of Body Philosophy  

Feminist Philosophy


Modern Western Philosophy

Monographic Studies on Phenomenology

Film, Information Technology and Philosophy


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